What’s in the News….


Best Pharmacist Ever Prescribed Monster Spray for 6 Year Old
Not sure if I shared this as I’m seeing it posted again, but this was sweet.



Why Toothpaste Makes Everything Taste Like Shit
Blah blah blah…it’s the detergents in the toothpaste, not the mint. The mint is there to give the feeling of being clean though it doesn’t actually do anything else except aid in better smelling breath.



The Iceman, George Gervin on Playing Against Dr. J, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and with Michael Jordan

Un-built San Francisco

I believe Daniel Bunham sketched all of the following pictures. He was invited to the city in 1904 to give some ideas on a makeover. Fortunately for us, the 1906 earthquake got rid of most of his proposals of his visions of SF as a utopia.


The Athenaeum at Twin Peaks proposed in 1905. Can you imagine this Greek inspired monument at Twin Peaks? It makes you wonder who that statue was supposed to be. If it were built, it’d probably be a dirty, broken relic after the 1906 earthquake.



Vast amphitheater in Cole Valley proposed in 1905. This would’ve probably been torn down by now. It’s a good thing Kezar Stadium was built in the 1920s in the same area.



Elevated trains on Market St proposed in 1937. This has clusterfuck written all over it. There are street cars on the raised area and at street level in this picture.



SOMA parking structure spanning 5 blocks proposed in 1947. If this pile of concrete was built, I can only imagine how bad the traffic would be in the area since it covers so much area and blocks 5 streets. The current Yerba Buena Garage is plenty big and overs a city block.



New Sutro Baths Indoor Beach proposed in 1934. Assuming this would be where the old Sutro Baths was, if it were still around, couples everywhere wouldn’t have a romantic walk along the cliffs that they enjoy today.

Losing that Hour Sucks!!!

NY Mag: Is San Francisco New York?
Certainly has turned into a self-absorbed bunch…



Vice: Commercial Flights Aren’t as Closely Monitored as We Think
Count me as one who thought all commercial flights were tracked at least by GPS regardless of the plane’s position. The latest news of a couple of people on board had stolen passports does raise some eyebrows. We can only hope for minimal casualties.




Been wanting to post this pic for a while, but where did Turtle Tower go?