Foodies…and Other Stuff

Vice: There is a New Wave of Foodies That is Dumber Than Ever
Just my thoughts to this article…Food trends have become one where it’s now a chef or at home cook who tries to mash anything together in hopes of getting some press out there even if the end product really doesn’t taste good. Once this trends, everyone has to go and try it which in of itself isn’t so bad. It’s when people, almost like sheep, just praise it because their favorite blogger or friend said so. There’s a difference between something that is good and something that just isn’t.

I didn’t mind the bacon trend a few years ago. It made sense as many people ate pancakes with syrup and a side of bacon. The sweet and salty worked, and so then did some versions of some type of sweet candied bacon. The Cronut was another trend that was huge last year. I tried a local version of it that was ok though likely not as good as the original. A co-worker graciously gave me a bagel that was also like a croissant which was terrible and made me question why this was even being sold. Some of these food outlets and chefs have no shame when it comes to trying to hitch onto a bandwagon to make a buck, and “foodies” out there embrace it even if it doesn’t work.

Now we’re seeing Pizza Hut try chicken finger crusts, Taco Bell with a breakfast waffle taco, and truffle oil (wait, is this made from truffles? Hmm.) on everything. Disgusting. This is just as bad as those places who charge $1000 for a martini, but I’ll save that rant for another time.


Seinfeld Mash-Up With Donald Sterling



Amazon: 70% off Sennheiser HD360 Pro headphones
These headphones are being clearanced out at most retailers, but Amazon has them for the cheapest if you’re looking for a nice set.