Shaming: Ever Date a Hipster Who Thought She Was a Cat?

My reference to Clarity was when it was played at the Flux Pavilion show, and eeeeveryone was singing along except somebody. LOL It’s not embarrassing to be recognized in a crowd by someone, even if that person runs a food stand. All that means is I’m a regular. What’s embarrassing is…

Where do I even start? Sometimes when she’d be a little too hyper, I’d throw her childhood blankie at her, and she’d become completely distracted and paw at it as if it was a ball of yarn. Shower optional. She’d lick her thumbs then rub any dirty spots on her face though sometimes with a napkin. Sometimes. Lice in the hair. She’d stare at her comb which was her sign to comb her hair. On rainy days, the water would just bead off her hair leaving her head completely dry these days. Mind blown. Like any cat, definitely hates water, prefers a Diet Coke. When she tries to reach for something that’s high on a shelf, she lets out a “rawr.” Eats then goes back to sleep.


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